Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Counting a Hand by Eli Culbertson

Source: Reading Eagle – Aug 6, 1934 There is probably no phase of card playing either to the Declarer or to the defense that is more important...

Avoiding danger by Robert Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win...

Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny

Source: Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny Do you wonder how the experts always seem to guess right against you?  One of the reasons is they know...

Establishing a suit By Oswald Jacoby

Source: CsbNews.org Opening lead: Q You have all heard about the bridge player who could resist anything but temptation. In this case temptation was the chance...

Remember an important appointment! by Phillip Alder (USA)

Source: ACBL: “Phillip Alder is a columnist for The New York Times and a syndicated columnist for 22 years with United Feature Syndicate. His column appears in...

Dangerous Opponent by Gavin Wolpert

Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/gavinwolpert “I am one of the founders of bridgewinners.com More than half of my life has been spent travelling the world playing bridge. My wife Jenny...

What Message Should You Send? by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

After a simple auction - 1NT-Pass; 3NT-End, your partner leads the 6. Which card should you play with each of the following holdings, and why? Case...

Thinking Bridge (The Avoidance Play) by Eddie Kantar

Source: http://cdn.acbl.org/nabc/2018/02/bulletins/db8.pdf  Photo by Peg Kaplan Dealer South. Neither Vul 7 3 2 K J 8 7 4 A J 6 5 2 A Q 8 6 4 Q 5 4 3 2 5 8...

Is Your King Pulling Its Weight?

Source: Is Your King Pulling Its Weight? If you were running a business and paying an employee good wages to work, how would you...

An Additional Chance by Ted Horning (CAN)

Ted Horning has written the daily syndicated column Canadian Bridge with Torstar Syndicate for over eighteen years-6600 columns and has been teaching bridge for...