Wednesday, April 24, 2024

When Should I lead an Ace against a Slam?

Source: Mr. Bridge  I never know whether to lead an ace against a small slam. While I hate doing so in case the king is on my...

Quick Tips for Improving Your Bridge Game

Source: When you're declarer Don't play to the first trick too quickly. Force yourself to stop and think when dummy comes down. Concentrate on the opening lead for a...

Establishing a Long Suit in a Trump Contract By Debbie Rosenberg

Source: Anytime a five-card or longer suit appears in the dummy, declarer should at least consider the possibility of creating extra tricks from it. While...

“So they doubled Stayman: What do I do?” By Billy Miller

April 2010 ACBL BRIDGE BULLETIN   When you open the bidding with 1NT, you usually feel confident that your side is going to be in control of...

Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Opening bids are the foundation on which subsequent bidding is laid. If the foundation is unstable, the rest of the auction may come tumbling...

1NT with a 5-Card Major? by Jerry Helms

Source: Ask Jerry Hi Jerry, In the April Bridge Bulletin, in the review of Adam Parrish's book, "When To Bid Notrump (And How to Play...

Bridge Problem

Source: North asks for majors in the first bidding round. How do you solve your club suit? One way to treat the club problem is to play...

Stayman with Weak Hands

Source: Using Stayman often promises enough strength to invite to game. But even if that is your understanding with your partner, you can play "Garbage...

The Opening Lead against a Slam Contract

Source: Contract Bridge: Bidding Principles By Col. G. G. j. Walshe  A POOR opening lead too often gives the declarer that one extra trick which he requires for...

Loser on Loser Play by Andrew Robson

Source:          Here we see a Loser on- Loser play used in a 4-3 fit (in order to preserve the – precarious...