Dear Friend:
With one week to go before the start of the BAMSA Conference, we are busy making final preparations. More than 350 people have registered for the conference, from 55 countries. I am delighted that you will be joining us.
There is detailed guidance for participants on the BAMSA website:
The guidance pre-empts many queries and explains how to prepare for the conference and how to join the online sessions.
I would like to emphasise the following.
1. Technology This is the first time that BAMSA has organised a virtual conference on this scale. For many participants too, this will be their first experience of using a virtual meeting platform. We are all on a learning curve! If you have not used Microsoft Teams before, please check the guidance. Please practise joining a Teams meeting in advance, if you possibly can. It would be such a shame if you missed the first 15 minutes of a session because you were unfamiliar with the joining procedure.
2. Recorded Presentations I strongly recommend you watch the recorded presentations that relate to the session/s you have booked. The videos range in length from a couple of minutes to 20+ minutes, so allow enough time! New material will be presented on the day and presenters and panelists will assume that participants are familiar with the pre-recorded content. The links to all the videos are on the website (full list of page links below). One video in particular is essential viewing for those attending Session 4B. The session will focus on four different types of player, and how they relate to the game. The player types are described in a 12-minute video and if you have not watched it, it will be hard for you to contribute to the focus group discussions. The video is:
3. Session Links The links to join the sessions will be posted on the conference web pages on the day of the session. We shall also email them to you.
There is plenty more advice in the guidance, including how to use Chat and how to switch on Captions (which may be useful if English is not your first language). In the meantime, if you have any queries about the conference, please email

Best wishes
Professor Samantha Punch
Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) | Prof. Samantha Punch
Faculty of Social Sciences, Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, FK9 4LA
Session 1A Mindsports in Academia and Society Monday 28 June
Session 1B Keynote Address: Wellbeing and Bridge Monday 28 June
Session 2A Impact of a Global Pandemic on Bridge Tuesday 29 June
Session 2B Digital Bridge and Cheating Tuesday 29 June
Session 3A Bridging Generations Wednesday 30 June
Session 3B Gender, Sexism and Bridge Wednesday 30 June
Session 4A New Approaches to Teaching and Recruitment Thursday 1 July
Session 4B Marketing Bridge and Conference Round-Up Thursday 1 July
PS1 Pairs Tournament Tuesday 29 June
PS2 Bridge Taster for First timers Wednesday 30 June
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