- 2: No three-card support for partner’s major, no four-card holding in the other major and a minimum hand.
- 2/: Bidding responder’s major shows three-card support and a minimum hand; bidding the other major shows four cards and a minimum hand.
- 2NT: No three-card support for partner’s major, no four-card holding in the other major and a maximum hand.
- 3/: Bidding responder’s major shows three-card support and a maximum hand; bidding the other major shows four cards and a maximum hand.
Checkback Stayman
Source: Wikipedia
1m – 1M; 1NT – 2
2Checkback Stayman (or simply Checkback) is used after a 1NT rebid by opener rather than a 1NT opening. It is used to “check back” if opener has major suit support, saying nothing additional about the club suit. It can find 3-5 fits, 4-4 fits (in Standard American) and 5-3 fits (in Acol), and also shows whether opener was maximum or minimum strength for his notrump bid. In five-card major systems, bidding Checkback implies that the responder has five cards in his major, and may have four in the other.
The 2is Checkback Stayman. Responses by opener shows the following: