Prevent a Ruff by Jon Brown

West led his singleton club, which dummy's king won. South read the lead as a singleton.

The Pro-Youth Simultaneos Pairs in Your own Local Club

Four times a year, in March, August, October and December, Simultaneous events have been introduced to support Youth Bridge – the World Bridge Federation...

Video Report: The magnificent ten… Women U26

Julio 2017, Šamorín, Slovaquia

The Plan XXXVII by Tim Bourke

Después de esta subasta Oeste salio con el Jack de corazón y la Dama del muerto hizo la primera baza.

The Plan XXXV by Tim Bourke

West led the queen of hearts. Declarer played low from dummy and East took the trick with his singleton ace, and then had to find the entry to West’s hand to acquire his ruff.