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The Plan XXXVII by Tim Bourke

Después de esta subasta Oeste salio con el Jack de corazón y la Dama del muerto hizo la primera baza.

The Plan XXXV by Tim Bourke

West led the queen of hearts. Declarer played low from dummy and East took the trick with his singleton ace, and then had to find the entry to West’s hand to acquire his ruff.

Simple and Elegant by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Column Service OCT. 2019 IMPs Dealer South. E/W Vul K 10 6 5 4 9 7 5 Q 8 6 5 K A Q J 9 8 A K Q...

Kim Frazer wins IBPA Master Point Press 2020 Book of the Year Award

Source: Australian Bridge Federation Kim Frazer, an Olympian in Athens 2004 and winner of three gold medals in four Commonwealth games for shooting, has won...
Canada Vs Poland Wujiang 2018

The Plan LXVI

Source: IBPA Bulletin Nov 2018 Dealer South. Neither VUL 7 3 2 9 8 7 5 4 K 7 5 7 2 K 10 6 --- A J 10 8 6 4 3 10...

Need Some Advice: Counting

Source: by James Vogl March 15, 2016 Dear Bridgewinners, After playing for close to ten years I am still hopeless at counting the hand (shape mainly but also points). I...

Losing-Trick Count

Source: Wikipedia In the card game contract bridge, the Losing-Trick Count (LTC) is a method of hand evaluation used in situations where a trump suit has been established and shape and fit are...

Suit combination

Source: Wikipedia In the card game contract bridge, a suit combination is a specific set of cards of a particular suit visible in declarer's and dummy's hands at the onset of the play...