ABF Bulletins
You might have heard the advice
“lead trumps against doubled part-scores”. This is usually sound advice: if you have doubled the opponents at a low-level, your side frequently has the balance of strength, so cutting down the opponents’ ruffing power is a good strategy.
Who do you think should double 3

on the hand shown below?
Dealer South Neither Vul
9 5 2
J 10 8 7 5
K Q J 4
J |
K 7 6 3
A 9 4
8 7 2
A 7 2 |
J 10 8 4
A 10 6 5
Q 6 3 |
6 3 2
9 3
K 10 9 8 5 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
1 |
Pass |
1 |
Pass |
2 |
Dbl |
Rdbl |
3 |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl |
Pass |
Pass |
Rdbl |
Pass |
3 |
Pass |
Pass |
Pass |
Between them, East-West have the strength and the trumps to double any three-level contract, but with East and West only able to see thirteen cards each, 3

was passed out. Some might find a double based on ‘the sound of the auction’, but this can sometimes lead to disaster.
Playing in her first national teams final, Sophie Ashton realised that perhaps 3

should have been doubled. So she heeded the advice above and instead of leading the partnership suit, led a low trump!
After two rounds of trumps, Gosney played a spade through to the

Q and

K. Ashton cashed the

A and played another spade. Declarer could only make two trumps, a spade and two diamonds for down four; +400 and 6 IMPs to SYDNEY 2 when

3 was made by East in the other room. A spade lead would have led to 3

going down only one or two tricks.