Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tag: Eric Kokish

Third Hand Play on Partner’s Queen Lead by Beverly Kraft Eric...

Against a notrump contract, the lead of the queen is from: Q J 10, Q J 9, A Q J with or without extended...

A Singular Lack of Finesse by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

Put yourself in the South seat for a moment. East comes in over partner's 1opening with 3at unfavourable vulnerability so he will surely have...

What Message Should You Send? by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

After a simple auction - 1NT-Pass; 3NT-End, your partner leads the 6. Which card should you play with each of the following holdings, and...

Two Questions of Duty by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

"When You open the bidding at the three-level you hope to make life more difficult for your opponents than your partner, who is often...

Timing is Everything by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

Whether you are playing the stock market or the game of bridge, timing is everything. Cover the East-West hands and play 4on the lead...

What Do you Lead? Compare with the Masters by Fernando Lema

Monday, January 11, 2016 59 years ago, in January 1957 the The British Bridge World magazine edited by Terence Reese, published: “This is the hand on...

An Enquiry Story By Ana Roth and Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, November 7th A few days ago Christian LAHRMANN  (Winner: 4th World Youth Open Championships Opatija 2015 - Kids Pairs) sent us the following bidding problem to consult...

An Early Lesson in Humility by Eric Kokish

Source: I started to play seriously in 1967, at the Summer North American Championships in Montreal, my home town. As I had less than 100...

Redemption Song by Eric Kokish

Source: 1st European Open Bridge Championships. Bulletin 4 – Wednesday, 18 June 2003 Adversity lurks at every turn. Even an optimist like you knows that...

Against Stolen Bids By Mel Colchamiro

Source: ACBL Bulletin, Dec 2008 – Apr 2009 Mirror, mirror on the wall … … Who is the fairest one of all? That famous line uttered...