Source: IBPA Bulletin Nov 2018 Dealer South. Neither VUL
7 3 2 9 8 7 5 4 K 7 5 7 2
K 10 6 A J 10 8 6 4 3 10 9 5 9 8 7 4 3 Q 9 2 Q J 8 6 3
A Q 5  A K Q J 10 6 2  A K 4
West North East South
3 Pass Pass 3
Pass 4 Pass 6
Pass Pass Pass 
Since North’s cue-bid of four diamonds suggested a good raise to four hearts, South just bid what he thought he could make. West led the ten of clubs.
Tim Bourke
Tim Bourke
After a little thought, declarer formed the plan of endplaying West on the third round of diamonds. Declarer won the first trick with the ace of clubs, crossed to dummy by playing the two of trumps to the four(!) and ruffed a diamond high. Declarer cashed the king of clubs and returned to dummy with a club ruff, eliminating that suit. Next, he ruffed dummy’s remaining low diamond with another high trump. South returned to dummy by playing his six of trumps to dummy’s seven. Declarer continued with the king of diamonds, discarding the spade five from his hand. West won the trick with the ace of diamonds and had no good return. West counted declarer for 3=7=0=3 shape, with the ace of spades. So, if he played a fourth round of diamonds declarer would ruff in the dummy and discard his spade loser from hand. When, instead, West exited with a low spade, declarer was able to win the trick with the queen of spades and claim. He made two spades, seven hearts, two clubs and a club ruff for a total of 12 tricks. Don’t forget to follow us @