Ludington Daily News – 12 May 2006
Albert Einstein said, “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” In science, trying to fit the facts to a theory, or a theory to the facts, is well-known. In bridge, trying to fit the bidding to the fit shouldn’t be theory, but tact.
The better the fit, the more you should be “overbidding- your point-count.
Dealer South Vulnerable Both
Opening lead:

Look at South’s hand. It starts as a fair 14-count. You open one heart, of count. What would you do if partner raises to two hearts, the opponents maintaining a respectful silence?
And what would you do if your left-hand opponent overcalls one spade, your partner raises to two hearts, and RHO bids two spades?
In the uncontested auction, you are worth a game-try and two spades is the best one available. But when the opponents bid and support spades, you know your partner has at most a singleton there. Your spades losers have suddenly dropped from three (you never count the fourth or longer card in a suit as a loser during the bidding) to one.
You might jump to four hearts, but perhaps your partner’s values are in clubs. So three diamonds is the best rebid. (This is forcing to three hearts.)
Now North, despite his minimum point-count, should jump to four hearts because of his great red-suit holdings.
After West leads the spade ace, there is little to the play. ( Yes, a trump lead is better.) South has nine red-suit tricks, so needs only one spade ruff in the dummy. And he can get two ruffs for an overtrick, if feeling greedy.
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