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Source: WBF
You may know that the World Bridge Federation has been invited to the Olympic Esports Week (“OEW”) in Singapore, June 19-25, organized by the International Olympic Committee.
The WBF, together with the platform providers BBO and Funbridge, will have a pavilion at the Free-To-Play Zone (“FTPZ”) the IOC is providing, June 22-25, for a limited number (10-15) of its recognised “International Federations” during the OEW. It is a great achievement and honour for Bridge to have been selected as one of them, to showcase our progress and activities in the field of electronic sports.
The FTPZ will be a large exposition at the Suntec Convention Centre, and tens of thousands of visitors are expected. It is an important opportunity for all of us, NBOs as well as the WBF, to showcase Bridge as a modern sport – adopting the latest technology, including Artificial Intelligence.
At our pavilion we will live-stream tournaments on both platforms with both local and international competitors, provide “Minibridge” demonstrations, show play on Lovebridge
tablets on site and various other promotional activities. Many activities can be followed online on YouTube, and possibly Twitch.
Leading up to the tournaments in Singapore we are arranging qualification events on both BBO and Funbridge and would appreciate it if your Federation would promote these through all your channels of communication including social media, NBO bulletins and website, event flyers and direct mailings.
Allocating your NBO master points would also help in these efforts.
The WBF will award online master points, as will BBO and Funbridge.