Dealer South E/W Vul
5 3 K Q 7 K 8 6 3 K J 8 4
A 7 A 10 5 2 J 10 9 2 A Q 10
West North East South
21 22 3 Pass
Pass Dbl Pass 3NT
Pass Pass
  1. At least 5-5 in the majors
  2. limit raise or better in diamonds (2] would promise clubs)
Opening lead: K West leads the king of spades, asking for the count, and East signals an even number of cards in the suit. After you win the ace of spades, what is your plan to take a further eight tricks? Solution: You have seven certain tricks, four in clubs and three in hearts. If you lead a diamond the defenders will win the ace and cash four spade winners to leave you a trick short. The only way to make the contract is to gather a fourth trick in hearts. You can do this if West has exactly five hearts and East’s singleton is the jack, nine or eight. When it is the jack, a low heart to the king would establish the ten and you would have the necessary four tricks in hearts. As it is twice as likely that the singleton will be the nine or eight compared to a jack that is what you should play for. Suppose the full deal is:
5 3 K Q 7 K 8 6 3 K J 8 4
K Q 10 9 6 J 9 6 4 3 A Q 3 J 8 4 2 8 7 5 4 9 7 6 5 2
A 7 A 10 5 2 J 10 9 2 A Q 10