Friday, January 24, 2025

Splinter Bid

Source: Wikipedia In the card game "contract bridge", a splinter bid is a convention whereby a double jump response in a side-suit indicates excellent support for partner's major-suit opening bid (at...

Easy tips on how to cuebid your way to slam contracts

Source: Ginny & Jeff Schuett for Cuebidding without interference is an attempt to get to slam without using Blackwood, or before using Blackwood. Usually the...

Negative Free Bid

Source: Wikipedia Negative free bid is a contract bridge treatment whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent's overcall shows a long suit in a weak hand and is not...

Muiderberg Convention

Source: Wikipedia Muiderberg is a bidding convention in the card game bridge. It is a two-level preemptive opening based on a two-suiter with precisely a five-card major and a minor...

Opener’s Reverse By David Lindop

Source: One standard bidding concept that often leads to confusion is the ‘reverse.’ So let’s see what this term is all about. What Is a Reverse? The most common type...

Law of Total Tricks

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, the Law of total tricks (abbreviated here as LoTT) is a guideline used to help determine how high to bid in a competitive...

‘Take Out’ Double by Antonio Riccardi & Eitan Levy (Italy &...

Source: 14-28 June 1997 43rd GENERALI EUROPEAN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS What will surely be remembered as the most dramatic deal of the Championships took place in the...

Game Try

Source: Wikipedia A game try (also called a game trial bid) in the card game of bridge is a bid that shows interest in bidding a game and asks partner to help...

Develop your bidding judgement By Brian Senior

         WHEN partner opens the bidding and you are looking at 17HCP, it is natural to consider the possibility of a slam. Yet slam will...

The “Rule of Ten” By Andrew Robson

Source:          The Ten gets a raw deal in bridge - counting for no points yet worth many a trick. However one...