Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rule of 15 and CRIFS By Larry Cohen

Source: CRIFS My former bridge partner, Marty Bergen, has 11 conventions named after him. Bergen Raises, Bergen over Notrump, BROMAD (Bergen Raise of Major After...

Guidelines to bidding hands that don’t fit with partner’s

Source:  Ginny & Jeff Schuett for There is very little written describing the approach to bidding misfitting hands, but here are some general guidelines. 1. Most...

Making “Redouble” Work for You By George Cuppaidge

Source: THIS is the hand that launched the writing of this article: 9  K Q 10 7 6 3  Q 10 9  A 10 7 You...

Improving your 1NT Structure by Andy Hung Part 3

Source: Responses to Cuantitative 4NT Bids In the previous articles, we looked at how to show 5-4 Majors with game-forcing values opposite a 1NT (15-17 HCP) opening. Here are...

Bidding Nine By Frank Stewart

Source: The laws of bridge prohibit bids of more than seven (though I once had an opponent who, when I bid five clubs, jocularly bid...

Walsh Convention

Source: Wikipedia 5 4 Q J K 9 8 7 3 2 7 Walsh is a convention used in the card game of bridge in response to an opening bid of 1. The convention has...

Through the Minefield by Paulo Brum (BRZ)

Rio de Janeiro, August 23 2018 Board 6, from the 3rd segment of the 2018 Junior final between Sweden and Singapore, was very difficult to...

The final of White House Juniors 2017 between Poland and the...

Many juniors of long ago that reached eventually the top of international bridge, will remember with great joy the twelve fabulous years (1993-2004) in...

Misfit hands Suggest Bidding at Low level

Toledo Blade – 27 Jun 1971 by Nap Nassr Bridge students are taught that as soon as their bidding sequences give a hint of the possibility of misfit...

6th World Youth Open Championships: The Polish Twins By Simon Stocken

Results Videos  Youth -WBF Facebook Bulletins  August 26, 2019 Here we see the Polish twins demonstrating their judgment and proficiency in the auction, aided by an excellent system. Session 7, ...