The 15th World Bridge Series in underway at the Orlando World Center Marriott. WBF will broadcast a live show during the last match of the day, starting at 17.40 (Orlando time).

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Results & Rankings Bulletins Participants

Running Scores

Open Teams – Women Teams – Senior Teams – Open Pairs – Women Pairs – Senior Pairs – Junior Pairs
David Gold Orland 2018
David Gold Orland 2018

The Rosenblum Cup

Some years ago, David Gold wrote an article where he afirmed: I BELIEVE IN:


There he wrote: You will almost never lose control when you have seven or more trumps in one hand. In addition, the ability to ruff gives you built-in entries to the long suit. Almost all declarers in board three were in tune with David´s words… Board 3 

Bathurst Orlando 2018
Bathurst Orlando 2018

Lavazza – Moss. At one of the tables Lall-Bathurst for the Moss team, faced Lavazza’s Sementa-Bocchi. Bathurst opened his hand with 1Heart Suit and Sementa overcalled 1Spade Suit, Lall continued with 1NT and later he accepted his partner’s invitation to play the heart game. Declarer lost only one spade and the ace of trump, he scored 450. On the other table Duboin opened 3NT Bilde answered four  clubs…after a transfer bid, Bilde finished as the 4Heart Suit declarer. Only 1 IMP for Moss.

Versace Orlando 2018
Versace Orlando 2018
Cayne – Allfrey, the exact same auction was repeated at one of the tables. On the other table Allfrey opened 4Heart Suit, what led Versace to say 4Spade Suit, final contract. Three down and 4 IMPS for Cayne. Juster-Zimmermann, Juster opened 4Heart Suit continued by West’s 4Spade Suit, three down, on the other side was played 4Heart Suit, done. Pszczola-Zawada, Brink opened 4Heart Suit, nobody intervened, score 420. At the other table South opened 1Heart Suit and ended playing 4Heart Suit,done five, 1 IMP for his team. What happened in all the tables? Don’t forget to follow us: