Friday, April 26, 2024

Hand Evaluation: Zar Points-Never miss a game again Part 2 by...

Source: BridgeGuys Did you read: Hand Evaluation: Zar Points By Zar Petkov Access Part 1 Never miss a game again – Zar Points Bidding If Zar Points look a bit...

The Impossible 2 Spades by Billy Miller

Source: The Coolest Gizmos and Gadgets; January 2010 ACBL Bridge Bulletin What could be more fun than having a cool gizmo or gadget come up at...

Successful Players Create Their Own Luck by Beverly Kraft – Eric...

With both sides vulnerable, South holds: Q 9 4 3 A K Q 8 K 10 2 A 7 Dealer West. West North East South 21  Pass 32 ? (1) 6-card suit, 6-11 HCP (2) No game interest 8 J 10 6...

The Shortness Rule by Eric Kokish

Source: May, 2006: In his column of  the  ACBL bulletin Eric Kokish answered this question: Dear Eric, I held as West A K 10 5 A...

2018 WBF YOTC Solver Problem Nº5 by Ilai Baniri & Fernando...

Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side...

Do Not Ask With Two Losers By Phillip Alder

McCook Daily Gazette – 24 Jul 2002 Opening Lead: Spade Queen Peter Conrad an Australian author and critic, wrote. “Losing faith in your own singularity is the start...

Conventions: Leaping & Non-Leaping Michaels

Source: Leaping Michaels is a bridge convention used to show a strong two-suited hand, after opponents have opened the bidding, and partner has no more...

Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson

Source: Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson IMPACT of vulnerability is much misunderstood. I often hear rubber bridge (or Chicago or teams...

MAMI, a strategic solution for two-suited overcalls by Red Jack

Of course, I will not suggest asking your mom or grandmother, they probably bid as natural as possible in overcalling. But you? What convention...

The Road Gets Rougher by Brent Manley

Orlando, Monday, 24th September 2018 Source: At the end of the Swiss qualifying for the knockout phase of the Open Teams, Team CONNECTOR, with players from...