Source: The Dispatch – 12 Oct 1981 Polite people don’t guess how much money you have, but a bridge expert keeps track of everybody’s winners and losers Dealer North, None Vul
J 10 9 K 5 3 2 Q j 6 K Q 7
K 5 Q J 10 9 K 10 5 2 8 4 3 6 3 2 A 8 7 4 A 9 7 4 9 6
A Q 8 7 4 6 8 3 A J 10 5 2
West North East South
Pass Pass 1
pass 1 Pass 1
Pass 4 End
South ruffed the second heart, led a club to the queen and returned the Jack of spades for a finesse. West won and politely led the ten of hearts instead of counting tricks. South rutted with the queen, led a club to the king and ruffed the king of hearts with the ace. Then he led the eight of trumps to the nine and drew the last trump with the ten. Since South was out of trumps he discarded a diamond on the ten of trumps. South then ran the clubs, making his contract. EASY COUNT When West takes the king of spades he can count South’s losers: one trump, one heart, and no clubs. If South has the ace of diamonds he cannot be beaten. West should therefore lead diamonds, counting on his partner for the ace. If West doesn’t trust his partner he should lead the king of diamonds to make sure of continuing the suit.