Winners: Tomas Popowsky & Francisco Guerra (Argentina) Journalist: Carlos Pellegrini (Argentina) Article: Nice switch, but… Event: 18th World Youth Teams Championships Carlos Pellegrini, coach of Argentina’s U26 team, provided this deal from his team’s match against England. Board 7. Dealer South. All VUL
A Q J Q 9 6 A K 4 3 2 Q 5
4 A K 10 7 5 2 Q J 6 K10 3 9 8 7 5 8 4 3 J 8 7 6 4 2
K10 6 3 2 J 10 9 8 7 5 A 9
West North East South
Poposky Hutton Feintuch Sanderson
1 1NT Pass 2
Pass 2 Pass 3
Pass 3 Pass 4
Pass Pass Pass
West North East South
Winter Etchepare Anoyrkatis Guerra
1 Double 3 3
Pass 4 Pass Pass
Both Wests opened 1 For England, Aaron Hutton overcalled 1NT and Liam Sanderson transferred to spades then showed his diamonds, and the partnership were soon in 4. Clara Feintuch led a heart and Tomas Popowsky won the king and switched to the six of diamonds, a nice play. Hutton put up the ace and Feintuch ruffed – and the contract was doomed, all thanks to that nice low diamond switch.  There simply hadn’t been enough EW bidding for declarer to be sure of the diamond layout.
Tomas Popowsky, Carlos Pellegrini & Clara Feintuch
Tomas Popowsky, Carlos Pellegrini & Clara Feintuch
At the other table, Baltazar Etchepareborda, for Argentina, doubled the opening bid and Sam Anoyrkatis added to the list of manic preemptive bids we have seen in the last ten days with a jump to 3on his three small. 3 did not prove to be sufficient to silence South, Francisco Guerra, who competed with 3 and was raised to game by Etchepareborda. Daniel Winter led the king of hearts and, on seeing dummy and partner’s count card, also made the same nice switch to the six of diamonds – but Guerra made an even nicer play, when he called for a low card from dummy! Anoyrkatis got his ruff, but there was just one club to come and declarer was home with his vulnerable game. Very well played.