Opening lead: 4
You are South here, all in red, and being very conservative and fan of four card majors you open 1 as dealer.
Pass from West and North introduces some fresh air in the bidding with 2 – game try relay with support. East intervenes with 2, you have nothing to say and pass. Pass from West and North closes the bidding with 4.
West leads 4, dummy appears and you notice that there are plenty of problems to solve in the play. You have two unavoidable losers in diamonds and possibly two more in spades and clubs.
Don’t rely on successful spade finesse. It is highly unlikely in view of the 2 overcall by East. He has plenty of hearts and there is little room for the spade Queen.
You win the lead in dummy, cash two high spades – no queen, but happily all follow. Then cash the remaining heart to eliminate the suit and switch to Q.
East wins his Ace and King and exits with a third diamond. West follows twice and discards a club on the third diamond.
You seem to be on the right track, otherwise East should have meanwhile cashed the spade Queen if he had it. You can win your last diamond just to tease West – he discards another club. Now it is time for a spade. West wins and exits with the club Queen.
Here I am leaving you alone to decide whether West is capable to bamboozle you in clubs the whole deal can possible be: