Source: ” Those Extra Chances in Bridge” Many contracts depend on a particular card being in the hand of the righ opponent. Even so, it may not be clear how to play in manner that will give the defenders no opportunity for a counter-stroke. Dealer: South  All Vul
10 8 6 7 4 3 A 6 4 2 5 3 2
4 2 Q J 10 J 7 5 3 J 10 9 8 A 3 9 8 6 5 K 10 9 K Q 6 4
K Q J 9 7 5 A K 2 Q 8 A 7
West North East South
Pass 2NT Pass 3
Pass 4 Pass Pass
* N/S were playing the Acol System, in wich the opening bid of: 2, 2, 2 are forcing for one round. In this case North gave the weakness response of 2NT. Having shown a bid hand already, it was sufficient for South to bid 3. Holding an ace and some trump support, North had a sound raise to 4. Lead:Q South won with theA. It seemed at first that there was a certain loser in each suit, but it occurred to South in time that if he could find East with theK he might succeed in establishing a second trick in diamonds. On this he would be able to dispose of one of his losers, either a heart or a club. Realizing that he would need entries to dummy for this manoeuvre, South led theK from hand in the naive expectation that this would tempt the defenders to part with theA. East had played the game before, however, and though he could not visualize the entire hand he saw that dummy was short of entries and decided to hold up theA. East won the second trump and exited with a heart, won by theK. The declarer now had what backgammon players call a nothing game. He was able to cross to dummy on the third round of trumps and lead a diamond towards theQ, but East went up with theK on first round, after he had cashed the Queen in South was unable to cross to dummy to enjoy a trick with theA. The mistake was the earlier lead of K. South should have led the 9 and overtaken with the10. If East holds off, South plays a diamond from the table at once. East takes the King and return a heart. South cashes theQ, forces out the A, and is able to enter dummy on the third round of trumps. His losing club now goes away on theA.