Establishing a suit By Oswald Jacoby
Source: CsbNews.org
Opening lead:
You have all heard about the bridge player who could resist anything but temptation. In this case temptation was the chance to get a ruff or two in dummy.
South rose with dummy’s ace of diamonds in order to lead the singleton club. West won and shifted to a trump. South won in dummy, came to his hand with king of diamonds and ruffed a club with dummy’s six of trumps. Then the hand collapsed. He was stuck in dummy and had to lead a heart. West won with the 10 and led a second trump. South wound up with Just eight tricks and a very disgruntled partner. If South had just looked at dummy’s heart suit, he would have found a way to do infinitely better. He should win the diamond lead with his king in order to lead a heart at trick two.
If West plays the 10, as he almost surely will, South will hop up with dummy’s king and lead a second heart. Later he will get to ruff a heart high, draw trumps and wind up making 11 tricks. He will have to lose a club at some time or other, For the record, when playing any contract, look at your longest suit and see If you can establish it to score long suit tricks.