David Bird
Wikipedia: David Lyster Bird (born 29 March 1946) is a British bridge writer from Eastleigh, with more than 130 bridge books to his name. He was born in London and is bridge correspondent for the Mail on Sunday and the London Evening Standard. He contributes regularly to many magazines, including Bridge PlusEnglish BridgeBridge Magazine and the ACBL Bridge Bulletin. IMPs Dealer North. Both Vul
A 10 6 K Q 5 3 K Q 6 3 A K
K Q 9 5 3 4 A J 5 2 10 5 3
West North East South
2NT Pass 3
Pass 4 Pass 4NT
Pass 5 Pass 6
Pass Pass Pass
South’s 1NT 3asks North to choose between 3NT and game in spades. When North is especially suitable for a slam he should cue-bid his lowest ace, rather than simply raise to game in a major. Here North’s cue-bid of 4is enough to spur South into bidding the slam via Blackwood. We spared you the task of bidding South’s hand but the spotlight is now swinging in your direction.

West leads the10. Can you land twelve tricks?

The diamond suit is solid and you can discard your club loser on dummy’s heart suit. Provided you can pick up the trump suit, twelve tricks should be easy. Suppose you win the diamond lead in the South hand and cash the king o trump, following with dummy’s 6. When shows out. You need to finesse against East’s jack on the third round of trumps but dummy’s 10 blocks the suit. East will refuse to cover the 10 and you will stuck in dummy. If you try to reach your hand with a second round of diamonds, East will ruff. Nor is ti any better to lead the K. West will win and give his partner a diamond ruff. One down in either case. Dummy’s 10 is an obstacle in your path and the winning play is to drop the 10 under your king on the first round o the suit. You can then cross to the ace and lead the6 to your 9 on the third round. After drawing East’s trump, you will lead a heart and claim twelve tricks. The complete deal:
A 10 6 K Q 5 3 K Q 6 3 A K
4 A J 8 2 10 9 8 4 Q 9 7 2 J 8 7 2 10 9 7 6 7 J 8 6 4
K Q 9 5 3 4 A J 5 2 10 5 3

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