EBU: Junior squad leader opportunities available

Source: EBU Would you like to get involved with the junior elite bridge programme? Do you enjoy working with young people and children? Two of the EBU...

England: Junior Teach In Loughborough University: 1st – 3rd September 2017

Source: EBED Loughborough University: 1st - 3rd September 2017 The Junior Teach-In is English bridge's flagship junior teaching event, and is organised by EBED. What’s the Junior...
009 Juniors

Physical Attributes for Bridge By Phillip Alder

Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 9 May 1997 The uglier a man’s legs, the better his golf game, H.G. Wells observed. It’s almost a law, he added. I...

An Unsuccessful Escape By Ana Roth

European Bridge Championships: Montecatini 2017 The monastery of Santa Maria a Ripa was established in the early sixteenth century when a group of devoted women living in...

“Counting the Hands.” by W. M. McKenney

“Counting the hands.” by W.M. McKenney Secretary, American Bridge League “Counting the hands” that is, determining the distribution of a suit in all four hands,...

IBPA Column Service by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Bulletin No. 865 August 7, 2017 Example: 865 Dealer: North. East-West Vunerable   Q 6 6 4 2 J 10 6 5 A K Q 5   9 8 7 5...

The Mechanics of Counting (Part 1) By Tim Bourke & Marc Smith

Source: Countdown to Winning Bridge By Tim Bourke, Marc Smith How do you count to thirteen?’ This may seem like a silly question, but in this article...

The Right Technique by James Jacoby

Right Technique Rewarded in Par Bridge Championship  The North American Collegiate Bridge Championship is a par contest, responsibility for preparation of the deals rests with...

Plan, Count, Plan by David Stern (AUS)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. David Stern (AUS) explained this example.

Plan, Count, Plan by Paolo Clair (ITA)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. Paolo Clair (ITA) explained this example.