Video Report: The magnificent ten… Women U26

Julio 2017, Šamorín, Slovaquia

The Plan XXXVII by Tim Bourke

Después de esta subasta Oeste salio con el Jack de corazón y la Dama del muerto hizo la primera baza.

The Plan XXXV by Tim Bourke

West led the queen of hearts. Declarer played low from dummy and East took the trick with his singleton ace, and then had to find the entry to West’s hand to acquire his ruff.
Santiago Rueda

The Hold up by John Brown

The aim of the hold up is lead or tempo-value reduction: The object is to reduce the value of possibe entry-tempi in one opponent's hand.

Those Extra Chance in Bridge by Terence Reese & Rogel Trezel

South plays in 3NT and West leads the six of hearts, won by dummy's ten.

Eliminations Play by David Bird & Martin Hoffman

The most familiar type of elimination play is the "ruff and discard elimination". The defender who is thrown on lead has the choice between playing on a suit, to your advantage, or giving you a ruff and discard.

5th Youth Open Championship

The 1st World Youth Bridge Congress was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 15 to 23 August 2009, hosted at the Yeditepe University, attended participants from 29 countries.

5th World Youth Open Championships

The World Youth Open Championships will be held from August 15th (Tuesday) to 24th (Thursday) in Lyon (FRA).

Entry Planning by David Bird & Martin Hoffman

A diamond lead would have worked well but West led the club Q. How would you play the slam when two rounds of trumps reveal the 5-1 break?

France Math week: bridge imposes itself Semaine des mathématiques : le bridge s'impose