Michigan Youth Bridge Camp (MYB) will take place July 5-11 at the YMCA Camp Copneconic in Fenton, Michigan (USA).
This will be our third year bringing young people ages 11-16 together who are interested in learning bridge or improving their existing game. We offer multi-level, play-as-you-learn instruction as well as daily ACBL sanctioned tournaments with the opportunity to earn silver masterpoints. In addition to lessons, card play and tournaments, campers enjoy traditional summer camp activities on 700 acres of lakefront property, including zip lining, water sports, rock climbing wall, team games and more. Thanks to contributions and an ACBL Education grant, the cost of MYB camp is just $425 for those applying before June 1 (rising incrementally to $500 thereafter), with a $25 discount for siblings. This is just half the cost of the average summer sleepaway camp. For a small additional fee, transportation to and from the Detroit airport is also available.
Our goal is to offer a relaxed fun environment in which young people can discover and share an interest in bridge, where they can learn, play and win masterpoints, and where they can make friendships to last a lifetime. With the ability to play online, geographic boundaries need no longer separate bridge partnerships, and friendships forged at camp can continue long after camp comes to a close.
A camp application, flyer, pictures from last year’s camp and more can be found at district12bridge.org
Would it be possible to get an article or mention on your site and social media? I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more information about the camp facility, the work involved, my background, etc. Please give me a call at 1-248-760-1818 or drop me an email.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to chatting with you.
Susan Woodrow,
Executive Director, Michigan Youth Bridge, Inc.
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