Ted Horning has written the daily syndicated column Canadian Bridge with Torstar Syndicate for over eighteen years-6600 columns and has been teaching bridge for more than thirty years. He has represented Canadian si different World Championship events. IMPs Dealer South. Neither Vul
K Q 6 A 10 6 5 2 A J 7 4 9
A 8 2 8 3 K 5 K Q 10 8 7 2
West North East South
Pass 1 Pass 2
Pass 2 Pass 2NT
Pass 3NT End
Opening lead:4 This is a very routine hand. I just wonder if the expression: “Penny wise and pound foolish” can ever be applied to the bridge players.

Plan the play after West Leads4

It may not be that routine. South wins theQ in dummy to protect later entries to his hand. The9 is played and… we discover South’s financial inclinations. The penny-wise declarer lets the9 ride. So does West and it wins the trick. Our declarer is stuck on the dummy. He won9 but will likely lose the contract since clubs can no longer be both established and enjoyed. Was South “pound foolish”? I think so. Let South overtake the9 with the10. It doesn’t matter whether West ducks or not. South can continue the development of clubs tricks and in time, win four clubs. Add that to three spades, one heart and two diamonds and South will eventually win ten tricks. Ever notice how many of life’s expression can be adapted to bridge? I could have worked a variation on another one into this hand – a ten in time saves nine (Don’t groan, I can’t hear it anyway.) The complete deal:
K Q 6 A 10 6 5 2 A J 7 4 9
10 9 5 4 3 J 9 9 2 A J 5 4 J 7 K Q 7 4 Q 10 8 6 3 6 3
A 8 2 8 3 K 5 K Q 10 8 7 2

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