Source: Squeeze Play Simplified Dealer South. All Vul
7 6 A K J 10 2 K 7 K 5 4 3
Q J 10 9 6 5 3 J 10 Q 9 7 6 3 2 9 8 4 Q 9 6 3 2 J 10 8
A K 8 5 4 Q 7 A 8 5 4 A 2
West North East South
Pass 2 Pass 2NT
Pass 4NT Pass 6NT
Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Q
Squeeze Play Simplified
Norman Squire
The lead was Q and South, seeing only eleven tricks, decided to rectify the count immediately, so ducked. Winning a spade continuarion he cashed the other top for information would be there even if the suit did not break. It didn’t. He now visualised his end position. His spade eight was a menace against West, his 8 a possible menace, his long menace clubs. No absolute certainty existed but this was a fair chance, so he reduced to four cards with the heart ten the squeeze card.
10 K 5 4
10 Q 9 7 Q J 10 8
8 8 A 2
Here we see the two single menaces in the hand opposite to the squeeze card. The 10 forces East to unguard clubs to retain his master diamond. Declarer throws the diamond, its work done and West forced to keep his spade, also throws a club. The five of clubs now takes the last trick. Don’t forget to follow us @