Source: Australian Youth Bridge Championships 2017
  1. How do you play this suits for all the winners?
club suit AQ64 (Dummy) club suit K953 (Your hand) 2) How do you play this suits for four winners? heart suit A64 (Dummy) heart suit QT753 (Your hand)

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Suit Combinations Answers

  1. How do you play this suits for all the winners?
club suit AQ64 (Dummy) club suit K953 (Your hand) ANSWER: Cash the club suitA then club suitQ! If the suit breaks 3-2, then it’s irrelevant on how you play the suit provided you remember to play the top honours first! If the suit breaks 4-1 however, you can still pick up for all the winners if West started off with a singleton club suit10 or club suitJ. As you cash the club suitA, West shows up with club suit10 or club suitJ, then as you cash the club suitQ, West’s show-out will give you a marked finesse against East’s honour. 2) How do you play this suits for four winners? heart suit A64 (Dummy) heart suit QT753 (Your hand) ANSWER: Cash the A, then low to your 10. Assume that no honour has showed up as you cashed the ace, then low from dummy (and East follows with the last spot card). If the suit breaks 3-2, then it’s a 50-50 guess as to playing the heart suit10 or the heart suitQ. Against a non-expert East, playing the heart suit10 is much better as some Easts will rise with the King. The additional chance however is if East started off with heart suitK-J-x-x and now playing the heart suit10 will restrict you to only one loser.