Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Tag: Beverly Kraft

Rate the Alternatives by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

This exercise is adapted from a book by French internationalist Michel Lebel. Let us know whether you enjoy this format. West Norte East South 1 Pass Pass 1 ? Consider West’s second action with...

Just Bridge by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish : CueBids

Readers tell us that they are not familiar with some of the bids they find in Just Bridge columns. In many cases, these are...

The Count’s Where You Find It by Beverly Kraft – Eric...

Today's deal is from the Round Robin stage of the 1999 Canadian National Teams Championship. North was Roy Hughes, South Irv Litvack. Kokish: Pretty good...

Successful Players Create Their Own Luck by Beverly Kraft – Eric...

With both sides vulnerable, South holds: Q 9 4 3 A K Q 8 K 10 2 A 7 Dealer West. West North East South 21  Pass 32 ? (1) 6-card suit, 6-11 HCP (2) No game interest 8 J 10 6...

Not Quite Impregnable by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

When you bid like a cowboy, you'd better play like the king of the rodeo. South claimed he had to catch a flight and...

The Case of the Disappearing Trump Trick by Beverly Kraft –...

The only good news for declarer on today's deal is that the spade finesse works. The trumps are foul, and both minor suits lie...

Creating Extra Losers is the Key to Success by Beverly Kraft...

Bridge, like life, is a game of give and take. Today's deal provides a graphic illustration of the concept. Dealer East. N/S Vul K 10 9...

It’s a Thin Line Between Love(ly) & Hate(ful) Defense by Beverly...

Kokish: As we all know, bridge players are wont to argue about the game. A real deal is not necessarily required to get them...

Slipping by the Dangerous Guy by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

In today's deal, played in a social game, declarer's only concern was to find a sure line to secure nine tricks. Overtricks were irrelevant. Dealr...

FT Lauderdale Host 7th World Junior Teams Championship by Beverly Kraft...

The first World Junior Teams Championship, played in Amsterdam, attracted a field of only five teams. The event, staged every two years, has grown...