Saturday, March 8, 2025
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Tag: bidding strategies

What do you bid now? by Ted Horning (CAN)

Ted Horning has written the daily syndicated column Canadian Bridge with Torstar Syndicate for over eighteen years-6600 columns and has been teaching bridge for...

Real Life by Larry N. Cohen (USA)

Source: IBPA Bulletin Jun 2022 In 2008, I played in one of the most pressure-packed events on the U.S. calendar: the USBF Team Trials. The...

What strategies are different in duplicate bridge than in contract bridge?...

Source: Quora In duplicate, you play “regular” contract bridge, but the matchpoint scoring can affect your strategy in some situations. Your goal is to beat...

No Trump, no Cry by Red Jack

No trump, no cry. How to get away with competition According to Arturo Franco, one of the most prestigious Italian World Champions, competing in Bridge...

Riddle N° 35 with Christian Bakke – Norway U26

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My Bridge Philosophy Applied to the Bidding By Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you one of my bridge philosophies applied to the bidding that...

Negative Thinking at Match Points by Jeff Rubens

The answer to the question “What are we doing wrong?” is that we are too positive-oriented. When faced with a critical situation, we too...

Solution to Riddle N° 33 by Valerio Giubilo

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Preempting by Justin Lall

Preempting is a very important part of the modern game. Bidding is so accurate these days that if you allow your opponents to have...