Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Tag: Card Play

A Dummy Reversal

Source: Times Daily - 16 May 1998 By Steve Becker North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. Opening lead — Q Probably the most difficult play in bridge to recognize is the...

Endplays Avoids Finesse

Source: The Evening Independent - 23 Jul 1936 After a beginner at bridge learns the rank of the cards, the second thing usually taught about play is the...

A bunker shot By Zia Mahmood

Thursday 12 February 2009 The term “bunker shot” is not exclusive to golf. When a bridge player is in a perilous position, he can sometimes...

Discovering Distribution by Steen Møller

Source: IBPA Handbook THE 1987 BOLS BRIDGE TIPS The Bols Bridge Tips Competition 1987 has been won by Steen Møller (DEN) with his article "Discovering Distribution". K J...

The Crossruff by E. P. C Cotter

Source: CsbNews The Crossruff. Where there is no attempt to draw trumps, but the declarer and dummy make their trumps separately. For example: 7 K J...

Learn Trump Management

Source: Mr. Bridge By A. Kambites How to Stay in Control THE main purpose of having a trump suit is to keep control of the hand. In...

Establishing a suit By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Opening lead: Q You have all heard about the bridge player who could resist anything but temptation. In this case temptation was the chance...

Suit Establishment By Richard Pavlicek

Source: One of the most common objectives of declarer is to establish a five-card or longer suit. The suit may be in dummy or...

The 4-4 Fit by Paul Bowyer

Source: MUCH BIDDING revolves around trying to locate a trump fit, often a 4-4 fit. Quite why this is so important is not often clearly...

When trumps Break Wrong side suits may be used as “additional...

The Evening Independent – 25 Mar 1939 By WM. M’KENNEY When trumps break badly, nothing is more effective in averting disaster than a long side suit. It is...