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Tag: Charles Goren

It’s there for all to count By Charles Goren

Source: Gettysburg Times - 22 Sep 1995 Neither vulnerable. South deals.  Opening lead: Q If you are a good guesser, four hearts is a simple contract to make once trumps...

The Greatest Crime in Bridge by Charles Goren

Source: SI Vault MAY 21, 1973 Traditionally, the most heinous crime in bridge is to trump partner's ace. A tolerant expert, however, is inclined to regard...

The Ruffs are in the Right Place by Charles Goren

Source: Gettysburg Times – 12 Mar 1992 Dealer North. Both Vul A A Q 10 5 4 J A 10 8 7 5 3 10 8 6 5 7 K 9 7 3 K J 4...

A Wise Time to Fool your Partner By Charles Goren

Source:  February 15, 1965 All bidding systems, no matter how complicated are subject to the same code of ethics. They must be a matter of...

A Long Dummy Suit Shouldn’t be Ignored by C. Goren

Source: Toledo Blade – 11 Dic 1960 Dealer West Neither Vul A K 10 6 9 6 4 3 2 5 2 A 5 8 4 A 10 7 5 A Q 8 K J...

Proper Management of Entries By Charles Goren

Proper management of entries is one of the keys to successful declarer play. South failed to appreciate that on this hand and squandered one...

Finessing the Finesse By Charles Goren

Source: January 30, 1961 Lee Hazen, a New York lawyer, is frequently quoted in bridge columns, and with very good reason, for he has been one...

The Hand of Adversity By Charles Goren

Source: The Hand of Adversity By Charles Goren It’s an ill blow that winds up doing good to no one. The bad bidder contributes unwittingly to the...

Careful Evaluation by Charles Goren

Toledo Blade – 16 Oct 1966 Both Vul. Dealer South. 6 K 8 7 2 K 5 K 10 8 7 5 3 Q 8 7 5 J 6 5 10 7 3 A Q...

Jettison by Omar Sharif & Charles Goren

Toledo Blade – 6 Ago 1986 In nautical terms, to jettison means to throw, cargo overboard in an attempt to save as endangered ship by lightening its...