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Tag: declarer play

In Massimiliano di Franco’s Seat by Fernando Lema

Many times, when dummy lies down;  the declarer realizes he is playing a higher contract than he would like;  the issue is to have...

Playing as Dad taught me by Fernando Lema

7th European Open Championships Bulletins      Videos    EBL Facebook   Mixed Teams July 8, 2015 Tromso Norway Vicky is the daughter of Gustavo Chediak, the South American Tournament...

The “Tricky” Part of Counting By Michael Connelly

Source: One of my favorite bridge students, Daisy (name changed to protect the guilty), habitually makes the bridge mistakes that are common to many neophytes....

Card Play Practice: Avoidance Play

Hand 1 Dealer South Lead: K West leads the K against your small slam in hearts. How will you play the hand? (You will find that...

“Pico” Syrup By Fernando Lema & Ana Roth

Buenos Aires, March 20, 2016 Yesterday were played the 2016 Vanderbilt Cup semifinals, where team “Lavazza”, the number one seed, faced the team Bertheau, this hand was the third...

Playing in the 4/2 fit by Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, January 23, 2017 Yesterday was played the Australian National Open teams Championship, Canberra Bridge Festival (AUS), with a field of 126 teams. The two...

Multon Magic by Brian Senior

ource: 51st EUROPEAN BRIDGE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Dublin, Ireland How would you like your chances, as West, of making 6 on this deal? North leads the seven...

Trump Reduction by Brian Senior

Source: 51st EUROPEAN BRIDGE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Dublin, Ireland Looking at the number of trumps in declarer’s hand, you might not imagine that it was possible for...

Trump Reduction and Endplay

Source: 9 - 24 June 2006; 12th WORLD BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS On this deal from the fourth qualifying session of the Open Pairs, when Paul Hackett invited...

Between 50 and 75 by Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, May 26, 2017 A few days ago I found the following card play which I found very instructive. Dealer East. Neither Vul K Q 9...