Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Tag: declarer play

Entry Management by Frank Stewart

South Dealer, N/S vulnerable 9 5 3 2 Q 4 3 6 5 3 K 7 3 A Q 7 6 10 9 8 7 J 8 8 4 2 8 4 6 5 2 Q...

A trump Promotion That Never was by Victor Mollo

British author Victor Mollo has delighted us over the years with his mythical Griffins club and the characters who inhabit it. They are lorded...

Dummy Reversal does it by Oswald Jacoby

Dummy reversal (also known as reverse dummy) is a technique in contract bridge whereby declarer uses trump cards to ruff from the hand with more (longer) trumps, and retains the trumps in...

Piotr Gawrys

Source: 17th EUROPEAN YOUTH BRIDGE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS ( 6-16 July 2000) In the first of a series, we introduce outstanding players who first made their mark in...

The Importance of the Valet by Dick Cummings

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 22 Oct 1989 ACES and kings are jolly good things but today’s column features the important role of an honour card...

Taking a Trick Cheaply at a High Cost by John Brown

Source: Winning tricks The Hand: Q J 8 10 5 Q 10 9 7 4 2 K 8 A 10 2 A K 3 2 A J 8 Q 10 3 South played this...

Placing the Lead by John Brown

The instrument of placing the lead is often closely associated with the hold up play, in that the decision of whether or not to...

Partner Robbing Partner of a Tempo-Value by John Brown

Dealer East N/S Vul J 5 10 3 Q J 9 8 6 10 8 7 4 10 4 J 8 7 6 5 K 5 J 9 6 5 A 9 8...

Guess leads to Missplay, Lost Game by Alfred Sheingold

Source Eugene Register-Guard – 18 Nov 1971 The sort of hand shown today is never misplayed by the true experts but is often mishandled by quite successful...

These Hands Really Do Come Up By George Cuppaidge

Source: Some readers may have heard of Jeff Rubens. In his younger days he produced a bridge masterpiece called “Secrets of Winning Bridge.” Anyone who...