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Tag: Phillip Alder

How Can You Count on Success? By Phillip Alder

Source: The Daily Reporter – 15 Jul 2003 While sitting at the bridge table, if you do one thing on a regular basis, the game will be much...

Entries Equal Ruffs Plus One By Phillip Alder

The Senior Life Master started his class by saying, “Anyone can cash aces and kings. But for success, most contracts require turning low cards...

Declarer Play of the Event? by Phillip Alder

Source: IBPA Bulletin Feb 2018 The Michael Seamon United States Junior Bridge Championships took place in Atlanta from December 27 to 31, 2017. The strongest team was...

Look for the Key to Open the Suit By Phillip Alder

Source: Ocala Star-Banner – 18 Jun 2003 John Boyle O’Reilly, an Irish author and poet, wrote this stanza: “You gave me the key of your heart, my love: ‘...

Counting may make the game easy By Phillip Alder

Source: Ludington Daily News – 30 Sep 2005 What is the primary reason that experts can play bridge better than non experts? A clue can be found in...

The Rule of Fourteen By Phillip Alder

Source: Gadsden Times – 30 Abr 1991 South dealer N/S vulnerable West hand:   Q 10 9   Q 10 9 5  K 7 6  A Q 10 Lead: ??? Defense...

Integrate the Fit Into Evaluation By Phillip Alder

Source: Ludington Daily News – 9 May 2005 When we evaluate the strength of a hand, initially we count high-card points. If we have primarily aces and kings,...

Thinking outside the box By Phillip Alder

FEB. 6, 2015 There are some bridge players who can, to use a hackneyed term, think outside the box. Geir Helgemo, a Norwegian by birth...

Peeking over another Shoulder By Phillip Alder

The Prescott Courier – 7 Dic 1992 In 1989, James Kauder wrote a book called “The Bridge Philosopher.” It is an “over the shoulder” book. The reader...