This week’s hand illustrates yet another reason for supporting immediately. North learnt an expensive lesson.
North cut his losses by bidding on over 4 – a contract that would probably have succeeded. West led 2 against 5, and the contract was quickly scuppered. East won K, cashed A, then switched to J. Declarer covered with Q and West won A. Declarer made the remainder by winning West’s return, drawing trumps and running s, but he was one down.
If North had resisted the temptation to introduce s – and what was the point when he knew s were going to be trumps – then the result would have been very different. In support of s North is worth 4 , and East would hardly feel safe to introduce his s at such a high level. In all probability North-South would buy the hand in 4 – an easy make.
THE RULE OF FOUR: Support an opening bid immediately when holding four (or more) cards.