Scissors Coup is a type of coup in bridge, so named because it cuts communications between defenders. By discarding a card or cards either from declarer’s hand or from dummy or both, declarer can stop them from transferring the lead between each other, usually to prevent a defensive ruff.
Dealer East. E/W Vul
9 6
A J 9 7
A K Q 10 2
7 2 |
J 10 5
J 8 7 6 3
9 8 6 4 |
A K Q 7 4 2
K 3 2
Q J 10 |
8 3
Q 10 8 5 4
9 4
A K 5 3 |
As before, it is assumed that, after East had opened the bidding with one spade, South is playing the hand in contract of four hearts.
The lead of the
J is won by East’s
Q and the singleton diamond is returned. After winning the second trick in dummy, South leads a club.
Assume East plays his
10 and South wins with the
A. South re-enters dummy with the
A and leads dummy’s last club. This is won with the
K, and a third round of clubs is played on which dummy’s last spade is thrown.
East is obliged to win, and he cannot now put his partner in the lead in order to obtain the ruff of a diamond. The play has kept the dangerous opponent, West, out of the lead.