Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge
Since many ask where the
TURBO is born I tell you the story of how this convention was developed and given that there is a color story …… it was in the distant 1987, I was in my first European Open Championship, the formation was me and Mosca, Lauria and the late Rosati and Denna-Buratti.

From the first day it was seen that there were bad winds because before 2 hours from the beginning of the league Giulio Denna was diagnosed chickenpox so we had to play with only 4 players, with Buratti alone (we could use him for filling).
After 2 days the championship had changed schedules from 10 to 9.30 and Carlos Mosca my partner was walking, and we couldn’t track him, so I started to play with Rosati and Lauria with Buratti. After the first of the 20 boards to be played, the organization allowed my partner to play the other 19 boards as long as Rosati stayed alone in a room for 2 and a half hours because the board we had played was number 18 (we played in bridgerama and we started playing board 18).
Rosati accepted the proposal and after two hours he told me to thank a spider in the room that kept him with some company otherwise he would have left that lonely space. After 4 days, I and Mosca defended an opening 3NT (gambling) and instead of sending them 8 DOWN THEY MAKE 3 EXTRA TRICKS… I SWEAR IT …… (I will show you the hand some day, lol).
In England at that time we were eating worse than in Alcatraz jail (Practically a torture)… after the championship we realized that a Finnish couple played a strange ace’s request, the concept was to give the aces in the Q’BID phase, but upon request the answers were very confusing, in our way back in the plane, me and Lorenzo Lauria studied a method to make it more effective and in a few years was successful …