Burke Snowden, Sam Amer, Greg Herman, Will Zhu, Arjun Dhir, photo by Sylvia Shi
The Dhir team – Arjun Dhir-Will Zhu, Am Amer-Greg Herman-Burke Snowden, defeated the Wei team – Hongji Wei-Chang Liu, Yewen Fan-Nian Si, Che Shen-Yichen Yin on the final board of the match, when the declarer in 7 diamonds had to decide whether to take a finesse or play for a squeeze and made the wrong decision.
Review the bidding and play in the final segment here for lots of excitement.
USA1 Teams for 2018 World Junior Championships
THE WINNERS IN ALL 4 DIVISIONS OF THE MICHAEL SEAMON JUNIOR USBC: Ben Kristensen, Adam Kaplan, Zack Grossack, Christian Jolly, Kevin Rosenberg, Oren Kriegel.
Ben Kristensen, Adam Kaplan, Zack Grossack, Christian Jolly, Kevin Rosenberg, Oren Kriegel, photo by Bo Xiao
Under 21, who will be USA1 for the Damiani Cup:
Brent Xiao-Kevin Huang, Cornelius Duffie-Richard Jeng-SarahYougquist.
Under 16, who will be USA for the Koç University Cup:
Rory Xiao-Jonathan Yue-Harrison Luba, Michael Hu-Arthur Zhou USA U16 team
Young Women under 26, who will be USA for the Rona Cup:
Isha Thapa-Amber Lin Sophia Chang-Lucy Zhang