Five Minute Interview 2010: Jamie Thompson
At the age of 13, he is the youngest competitor in the Youth Pairs and Youth Teams. Q. A biography in 50 words. J: When I grow up, I want to do something that makes a lot of money. I’ve got a sister whose name is Vicky. I have a pet dog called Jed. I have been a Victorian for the majority of my life L, but now I’m a New South WelshmanFive Minute Interview 2020: Jamie Thompson
Q: A Biography in 50 words. A: I’ve played for like 10 years now, this is my 11th Youth Week. I still do bridge today, it’s a big part of my life. I teach bridge, I play bridge, I’ve kind of put uni on hold to do bridge. Q: Are you making a lot of money, do you have a sister? a dog? And are you moving to NSW soon? A: Enough to get by. A younger sister, but she’s off bridge at the moment. I still have Jed. I still live in Victoria, but I’m about to make the big move up to Sydney. Q: Best bridge moment? J: Probably winning the 2017 VCC. My dad was there, and when he found out that I’d won we were both in tears and it was a really great moment. I do remember playing in the VBA Summer teams congress. I think we came 9th . I remember in that tournament, it was my first ever Congress, and I screwed up a Reverse. I just had like 12 points or something. And I remember Leigh Gold asked my dad if I knew Reverses. And I never screw up Reverses anymore. Q: The most embarrassing thing that you will admit here? J: I feel like I don’t often put myself in situations when I get embarrassed. I’m pretty gullible, so I get pranked a lot. Actually, here’s a good one. The 2016 ANC, I was put in charge of the Victorian Youth team. It was me and a whiole bunch of kids. One night I had a little bit too much to drink, and the next morning I was running late, so I had to sprint to the venue, and I was feeling good, it was a beautiful day. As soon as I got to the venue, it all hit me. And I was playing the first set with this 8 year old girl. The cutest thing. And during that match I had to go to the toilet 5 times. It stills bothers me a bit when dad goes on about things, I guess that’s part of his personality. Q: What is your favourite Movie? J: Still Pulp Fiction. Probably for different reasons that when I was 13. I’ve probably watched it 20 times since then, it never gets old. Q: And what do you think is in the briefcase? J: I don’t know. I think it’s a metaphor, I think it’s open to interpretationDon’t forget to follow us @