Source: Rome News Tribune – Jun 13, 1983
Dealer South. Both Vul
Q J 9 3 2
10 7 5
A K 6
8 5
10 8
J 8 2
10 8 7 4 2
Q J 7
7 5
A Q 9 3
J 5 3
A 9 6 3
A K 6 4
K 6 4
Q 9
K 10 4 2
Contract: 4
Opening Lead: Q
Jim: “Although most bridge championships are won by careful, stolid play interspersed with a sprinkling of luck, a very captivating aspect of the game is the opportunity to execute clever coups. In the 1983 Spring National Champioships my team was victimized by a fine deceptive play by Gordon Crispin, a player from Montreal.”
Oswald: “South opened the bidding with one no-trump and after a Jacoby transfer bidding sequence became the declarer in four spades ”
Jim “West led the queen of clubs. Gordon won with the ace ”
Oswald. “Looking at dummy, he should have had no trouble in determining that the only hope to defeat four spades would be to take three heart tricks. But declarer has to have the heart king for his opening bid at one no-trump.”
Jim: “Sure, but Gordon Crispin decided that South might not hold the heart jack, so at trick two he rifled the heart queen on the table”
Oswald. “I can’t blame declarer for going wrong. The play is called the Coon Coup because Charles Coon of Gloucester made it in 1962 against all-time great Benito Garozzo in the 1962 World Championships. I assume Gordon continued with the three, and South ducked to let West’s Jack and East’s ace set the contract.”
Jim: “It would be nice to be able to say that our team duplicated this defense at the other table. However, our West chose to open his fourt best diamond. Declarer drew trumps, discarded one heart on diamonds and made five-odd since he scored both his kings.Charles Coonwikipedia: Charles Coon (June 2, 1931 – January 18, 2003) was an American bridge player. He finished second in two world championships and won six North American Bridge Championships (NABC).