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Tag: Oswald Jacoby

Two Bridge Lessons By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph – 13 May 1954 «Cover and honor with an honor» says the old rule. This guide to your defensive play is not entirely reliable....

The Blind Lead By Oswald jacoby

Source: The Tuscaloosa News – 4 Ene 1983 Dealer South. N/S Vul A Q 6 9 4 K Q 9 3 J 10 4 3 10 7 4 Q 6 5 10 8 6...

A Deceptive Play (Coon Coup) by Oswald & Jim Jacoby

Source: Rome News Tribune – Jun 13, 1983 Dealer South. Both Vul Q J 9 3 2 10 7 5 A K 6 8 5 10 8 J 8 2 10 8...

Rather Naturally by Oswald Jacoby

Source: Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph – 24 Feb 1954 You all know the kind of player who wants to play every hand. As your partner, he will bid one...

Deduction tells Distribution by Alan Sontag & Oswald Jacoby

Source: The Southeast Missourian – 16 Mar 1978 Oswald: “It was customary in the old books on play to give an example of how declarer would figure...

Count Cards for Slam Oswald & James Jacoby

Source: The Tuscaloosa News – Apr 3 1967 Oswald: “How about devoting this week’s articles to lessons on dummy play?” Jim: “Good idea. I happen to...

Count Cards to Win By Oswald & James Jacoby

Source: The Tuscaloosa News – 10 Jul 1966 The expression “counting the hand” represents bridge thought at its best. It also is fairly easy if you get...

Counting the Hand by Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag

Gadsden Times – Feb 18, 1982 Here is a fairly simple example of counting the hand from Kelsey’s “‘Advanced Play at Bridge.” For Kelsey, it...

Use the Entry Squeeze by Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag

Rome News-Tribune – Jan 31, 1982 Today’s hand is an example of a play called “‘entry squezze.” This play was described by Geza Ottlik in a 1967 article...

Excellent Card Play by Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag

Sarasota Journal – 29 May 1981 In today hand, South overbid by at least a queen but made up for it by excellent card play. North should have...