China -Phillipines
China was contundent in his match against Phillipines. China defined the match in four boards, 1, 2, 12 and 13 …and ended winning the match 68 – 5. Read the story of three of these boards.
Sunday, 7th April 2019
These were the boards that defined the match.
Board 1![](
Zhm (CHN) decided to open his hand with a 1
![Diamond Suit](
bid. East competed with hearts, South chose to bring into play his 4 spade cards with a double, and Jensine showed a good support to his partners suit. North invited to play a spade game and that was the end. Declarer only could make 5 tricks for – 200. At the other table North chose to say 4
![Spade Suit](
and was doubled, he payed 1100…and the first 14 IMPs for China.
Board 2
With some interferences. E/W (CHN) arrived to a heart game and declarer lose only two spades and a club for 10 tricks and the contract. At the other table N/S (CHN) played 3
![Spade Suit](
, made five for +200. Both tables added 12 IMPs for their team.
Board 3 ![](
The Couple from China in N/S chose to play 6NT. And after a spade lead, declarer lose the club ace and claimed twelve boards. At the other table the couple from Phillipine, chose to play 6
![Heart Suit](
and with a club ace lead and another club was beaten in the first two tricks. This board gave 17 IMPs to China.