Source: The laws of bridge prohibit bids of more than seven (though I once had an opponent who, when I bid five clubs, jocularly bid “ten clubs” in lieu of doubling me). Today’s South landed at a good six spades but handled the play as if he were higher, much higher. Dealer North; Both Vulnerable
8 6 3 A K J 3 A K J 9 5 5
Q 7 4 2 7 5 4 6 Q J 10 4 3 5 Q 9 8 2 8 7 4 3 2 K 9 8  
A K J 10 9  10 6    Q 10 A 7 6 2
West North East South
1 Pass 1
Pass 2 Pass 3
Pass 3 Pass 6
Pass Pass Pass 
Opening Lead: Q
Frank Stewart
Frank Stewart
South took the A, ruffed a club in dummy and led a trump to his jack. West ducked smoothly. South then ruffed another club in dummy, returned to his Q and cashed the ace of trumps, East discarded, South took the king of trumps and led a second diamond. He would have been safe if West had held another diamond, but West ruffed and cashed a club. SAFE PLAY: South played as if the bid were nine spades. To safeguard his contract, he leads a heart to dummy at Trick Two and returns a trump to his jack. If West ducks, South leads the ten of trumps or goes to the A and leads a trump to his ten. He can win any return and is sure of 12 tricks: four trumps, two hearts, five diamonds and one club. Don’t forget to follow us @