• The choice of methods has been based on a careful comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches; and the one chosen is the lesser evil which fits best with the style of the players.
• Knowing when to use a gadget – just because you can bid in a certain way because you have the right number of cards and points doesn’t mean that you have to or should. Different situations, such as vulnerability and bidding position, create different considerations.
• Clarifying the fine detail and applying good judgment to hands at the margin. What is a “good suit”, what is the worst suit you can have and still open etc?
• Knowing what to do next – and beyond. Understanding in detail not only the responses to a bid but the responses to the responses and so on.
• Knowing what to do when there is interference – what to do when opponents stick a preemptive bid in the middle of your beautiful enquiry sequence or double.
• Understanding the implications of the chosen method for other parts of the bidding system – no bid is an island unto itself. This is also the ability to make inferences from what is not bid –the significance of the dog that did not bark.
As a theme for this year’s 
2X Tables 1: Common Opening Two Methods