Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How light should an opening bid be? Part I By Gordon...

Source: Part I: First and second seat openings The traditional view When people talk about opening light, they usually are talking about opening in third seat,...

Freak Hands by Howard Schenken & Richard L. Frey

The Milwaukee Sentinel – Aug 31, 1960 by Howard Schenken & Richard L. Frey William McKenney y Dick Frey FREAK HANDS are always exciting. There is no net formula for...

Breakin’ the Rules: Light Third Seat Openers by Joshua Donn

Source: Bridgwwinners “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” – Anonymous Opening in third seat is a special situation because it...

Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence

Source: Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence This article on bidding represents a small change from the normal items that...

What Message Conveys this Double? by David Bakhshi

Recently we received a bidding problem. On this occasion we asked Mr. David Bakhshi (ENGLAND) opinion. The Auction: West North East South 1 Pass 1 2 2 Pass 5 Dbl Pass Pass Pass What message conveys this double? Hola Fernando: I would say...

Competitive Bidding 2: They bid-and-raise-a-Major (Spades)

Source: BBO By BBOer Shengabus (Yuan Shen) Visit Yuan Shen Bridge site This series will focus on competitive auctions. I have an ambitious list of topics I...

Counting Out Opponent’s Distribution by Maritha Pottenger

Source: When counting, it is easiest to count with smaller numbers. When counting trumps, the simplest method is to count how many trumps the opponents...

Hand Evaluation – Partnership ( Guessing ) By Bob Crosby

Source: Bridge is a partnership game. Given that fact , let partner help you. Single handed guesses are just that . You either guess right or you guess wrong. If you allow partner to help you , you can change guesses...

The 30 Point Deck by Barry C. Harper

Source: The 30 Point Deck por Barry C. Harper What do I mean by a thirty point deck? Everyone knows that at bridge, an Ace counts...

A Norberto Bocchi’s TIP: 3NT Opening II

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge Read 1st Part 3NT Opening (nice opening in Hearts or Spades)  3NT OPENING, ADVICE AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT: In the first...