Monday, January 27, 2025

Conventions: Ambiguos Splinters

Source:           Opener's Rebids After 1 - 3 (Game-Forcing Raise) 3 is an unbalanced, game-forcing raise with a singleton or void. Opener can sign off in 4 with...

Competitive Situations in Attack (Forcing Pass) By Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge Many times you hear about the forcing pass. The forcing pass applies when your partnership clearly has the majority...

Do Not Ask With Two Losers By Phillip Alder

McCook Daily Gazette – 24 Jul 2002 Opening Lead: Spade Queen Peter Conrad an Australian author and critic, wrote. “Losing faith in your own singularity is the start...

Working the Vulnerability By Paul Lavings

Your strategy and tactics should vary, considerably according to the vulnerability. When you are not vulnerable vs. vulnerable, “green”, you can afford to be...

Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score By Andrew Robson

Source:  Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score ALTHOUGH (as we saw in Click here ) vulnerability is irrelevant at match-point duplicate in an uncontested auction, it...

Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson

Source: Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson IMPACT of vulnerability is much misunderstood. I often hear rubber bridge (or Chicago or teams...

Bergen Raises

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, Bergen raises are conventional treatments of responses to a major suit opening in a five-card major system. Developed by Marty Bergen and first published in April 1982, Bergen raises are...

Preempts with Fit By Steve Robinson

Source:  (an extract of): Preempts with Fit Steve Robinson, ask a group of his experts friends his thoughts about: Preempts with Fit Partner opens 3 favorable and you have five...

Making “Redouble” Work for You By George Cuppaidge

Source: THIS is the hand that launched the writing of this article: 9  K Q 10 7 6 3  Q 10 9  A 10 7 You...

Serious and Non-serious 3NT By Barry Rigal

Source: Slam-oriented auctions: Gadgets and Gizmos   This brings us to one of the more important patches that 2/1 requires. When in my youth I first read...