Thursday, January 16, 2025

Matchpoint Strategy By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Andrew Gumperz Blogspot At Matchpoints, the number of total points by which you beat another score has no value at all. Being 10 points...

Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson

Source: Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson IMPACT of vulnerability is much misunderstood. I often hear rubber bridge (or Chicago or teams...

Bergen Raises

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, Bergen raises are conventional treatments of responses to a major suit opening in a five-card major system. Developed by Marty Bergen and first published in April 1982, Bergen raises are...

“So they doubled Stayman: What do I do?” By Billy Miller

April 2010 ACBL BRIDGE BULLETIN   When you open the bidding with 1NT, you usually feel confident that your side is going to be in control of...

Guidelines to bidding hands that don’t fit with partner’s

Source:  Ginny & Jeff Schuett for There is very little written describing the approach to bidding misfitting hands, but here are some general guidelines. 1. Most...

When should defender play passively? Aggressively?

Source:  Jim Diebel for Let’s look at leads and the important role they play when defending against both no trump and suit contracts. Consider...

Ways to Improve Your Bridge Game By Marilyn Hemenway

Source: Bridge is such a hard game.....there are so many things to learn, to remember and to put into practice. Once you become semi-proficient at bidding,...

Help Suit Trials and Short Suit trials

Source: Wikipedia A game try (also called a game trial bid) in the card game of bridge is a bid that shows interest in bidding a game and asks partner to help...

How to Become Better at Bridge by Geeske Joel

Source: BridgeWinners Ideas for tools and methods on how to improve your game when you are not a naturally brilliant bridge player  For someone who dreams of...

Quick Tips for Improving Your Bridge Game

Source: When you're declarer Don't play to the first trick too quickly. Force yourself to stop and think when dummy comes down. Concentrate on the opening lead for a...