Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lebensohl Over 1NT Interference

Source: www.acblunit390.org In today’s competitive bidding environment, overcalls are made far more frequently. Without long discussion, it is difficult to know what to bid when opponents...

What is the best way to improve my bridge game?

Source: Quora Andrew Gumperz, 25 years of tears and aspirations at the bridge table. There are several keys to improving your game: Patience. Bridge skills improve fairly...

A Complete Bridge Leads Course

Source: http://www.pitt.edu/~timm/ Standard Leads (1) Leading a Trump If you can attack a contract, it is usually best to do so. However, there are times when a trump...

The Five Lines of Defense and How to Use Them

Source: www.acblunit390.org The Five Lines of Defense Forcing Declarer Being Active Being Passive Cutting Down Ruffing Power Creating Trump Tricks Supporting Tools of Information Inferences from Bidding...

What strategies are different in duplicate bridge than in contract bridge?...

Source: Quora In duplicate, you play “regular” contract bridge, but the matchpoint scoring can affect your strategy in some situations. Your goal is to beat...

Tips for No Trumps by B. Magee

Source: Mr Bridge The best advice I can give is: keep it simple and concentrate on the following first steps: 1. Count your top tricks 2. Make a...

Conventions: Jacoby 2NT

Source: ACBL      One of Oswald Jacoby’s best gifts to bridge was the idea of using 2NT as a conventional forcing raise in response to a...

When not to draw trumps By Josh Donn

Source: BBO On Sunday, June 24, at 1PM US Eastern Time (7PM Central European Time), we had a special 1 hour teaching session with star...

The “Rule of Ten” By Andrew Robson

Source: www.andrewrobson.co.uk          The Ten gets a raw deal in bridge - counting for no points yet worth many a trick. However one...

Quick Tips for Improving Your Bridge Game

Source: http://kwbridge.com/tips.htm When you're declarer Don't play to the first trick too quickly. Force yourself to stop and think when dummy comes down. Concentrate on the opening lead for a...