Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Taster by Andrew Robson

Source: This deal is taken from Andrew Robson’s Daily Bridge Column is available in animated form at the Times online’s website. Produced by Conrad Brunner.

+1100? No…-790 with Dennis Bilde

During the 1st European Winter Games Mr. Dennis Bilde explained this hand

A Defence Tale by Zia

During the 14th Red Bull World Bridge Series Mr. Zia Mahmmod explained this hand played by his teammates.

A Bridge Lesson by Barry Rigal

During the 14th Red Bull World Bridge Series Mr. Barry Rigal explained this example.

John Kranyak (USA) in Auction

During the World Mind Games Beijing 2014 John Kranyak commented this hand played with his partner Vincent Demuy.

The Lall’s Sacrifice by Justin Lall

During the World Mind Games Beijing 2014 Justin Lall played and commented this hand.

Declarer Ducks a Diamond? by P. O. Sundelin

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. P. O. Sundelin (SWE) explained this example.

A Scissor’s Coup by P. O. Sundelin (SWE)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. P. O. Sundelin (SWE) explained this example.